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New Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling engagement platform and Winter Walks

Happy New Year! Despite 2021 starting with another lockdown, there still seems to be room for optimism about the potential held within the rest of the year. The team at Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling certainly feel optimistic about the upcoming months, which promise to be very busy as we start the year by launching our detailed design consultation in a few weeks.

Unfortunately we will no longer be using the Commonplace website for this final round of consultation. However, all the information we have gathered thus far will still be stored here on Commonplace and accessible for reference.

Stirling Council has a new engagement platform, and all future WCLS consultations will be hosted here, Do take a look at the 2 fun family Winter Walks accessible from this link. These are activity trails along each of the WCLS routes that help reconnect participants with some of Stirling’s history and encourages them to imagine what it might be like in the future. Each 1.5 hour walk consists of a number of stops with location history, puzzles and activities to complete for children and adults as well as targeted place quality questions. These will help us understand current perceptions of those places and allow people to share ideas and aspirations for how these places could be improved in the future. Completing the puzzles and questions also puts participants in line to win some fantastic prizes! Please ensure you have read the latest Government guidelines in advance of participating in our walks

Moving to a new platform also means that we will change how we send out project updates. If you want to continue receiving Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling updates, please sign up to our newsletter after completing the one of the Winter Walks online surveys, or email to let me know you want to receive email updates. Thank you for all your support so far.

Posted on 5th January 2021

by Michaela Jackson